Operation Staff
Captain Christopher Imbrenda
Phone 201-991-6060 ext 202 Email cimbrenda@naves1972.org
Chris has been a member of NAVES since 2006 & a life member of the squad. He is also an american heart association CPR instructor, teaches Defensive Driving as well as CEVO - Coaching the emergency vehicle operator. Chris has previously severed the squad as the Treasure for 4 years and an Operations Lieutenant for 6 years. Chris loves being a member of the squad and volunteering with his second family his fellow squad members. Chris came from and information technology background and uses those skills to help build and run the squad website, as well as the members only intranet & serves as the squads administrator for the electronic patient care system. Chris also is a member of Bergen county EMS special operations group and is trained in rescue task force & confined space awareness, HAZMAT, CBRNE operations, Incident Command & Staging area management. Chris was honored as EMT of the year in 2007.
Lieutenant Nicole Pinho
Phone 201-991-6060 ext 202 Email npinho@naves1972.org
Nicole has been a member of NAVES since 2014 and has previously served as Crew Chief as well as the squad secretary and Vice President. Nicole was name citizen of the year for 2016 by Mayor Joseph Bianchi for her tremendous efforts in volunteering, Nicole is also a member of the North Arlington CERT team (community emergency response team). Nicole is now overseeing operations of the squads bike team as biking and playing soccer are some of her favorite past time activities. Nicole is also a registered Nurse. Nicole was named EMT of the year for 2017 in risking her own safety and assisting in the rescue of an individual who was trapped in there vehicle when it overturned, Nicoel climbed into vehicle to provide immediate emergency medical care for a patient.
Lieutenant Sean Gill
Phone 201-991-6060 ext 203 Email sgill@naves1972.org
Sean has been a member of NAVES since 2018 and is now a crew chief for two different nights and started out as an operations assistant and is now a Lieutenant. Sean is an American Heart Association CPR instructor, Sean is really passionate about EMS and loves every second of riding his tours. Sean is the 2019 EMT of the year for his hard work and dedication. Sean is currently enrolled in the Paramedic program through RWJBH Hudson Community College & Jersey City Medical Center.
Hipaa Compliance & Privacy Officer
Phone 201-991-6060 ext 206 Email: jsackerman@naves1972.org
James has been a member of NAVES since 2003 and is currently serving as the squad Hipaa Compliance & Privacy Officer. James is a life member of NAVES and was names EMT of the year in 2010, James has previously served the squad as a crew chief and operations Lieutenant. James is a trained rescue technician and Rescue task force trained.